eNACH - Electronic NACH
Streamline your recurring payments with eNACH.
Providing a secure and convenient way to automate payments for EMIs, bills, subscriptions, and more.
eNACH - Electronic NACH
With the growing promotion of digital payments by Govt of India, NPCI has introduced a new channel for effectively undertaking recurring collection requests. The channel of eNACH, like a traditional method, not only performs collections through the debit instructions on NACH system, it also ensures that the need for paper based mandates is done away with. The customer doesn’t need to present a signed mandate paper, rather the customer shall provide online authentication for processing of mandate.
Objectives of the product:
- Creation of self-authenticated mandate by the customer on an electronic channel
- Auto acceptance of mandate
- Secured and assured mandate acceptance

Key Benefits
- No need to change physical mandates to e-mandates
- Reduced TAT for mandate acceptance
- 24 X 7 capability for mandate registration directly from website
- Real time mandate signup by the end customer
RBL Bank eNACH focuses on providing collection solution to corporates. With eNACH corporates need not manage physical mandates for processing of collection requests from customers. As all the transactions are facilitated via APIs, the corporate can integrate the same to their payment page for their customers to register online.
eNACH is a digitally processed mandate and doesn’t require any physical paper form unlike in the case of NACH.
No, traditional mandates cannot be migrated to eNACH. It has to be a fresh registration by the customer.
Defined TAT is of 2 days for registration, once the mandate details are available with RBL bank.
Below is the list of offerings;
- Real time confirmation to customer on completion of registration process
- MIS for confirmed mandates, post registration
- Facility to provide SI to bank to process the collect requests on confirmed mandates, without the requirement from client to provide additional files
- All collections to be given to customer’s account within next day of actual collection transaction