Cash Credit / Overdraft / Loan Against Property Dropline Overdraft - Out of Order Classification
Quarter | Date | Interest Debits (Dr) | Credits (Cr) | Out of order (Cr < Dr) |
90 day period |
20-Aug-21 |
10,000 |
31-Aug-21 |
7,000 |
02-Sep-21 |
15,000 |
30-Sep-21 |
15,000 |
03-Oct-21 |
12,000 |
31-Oct-21 |
13,000 |
12-Nov-21 |
1,000 |
Example 1: Total |
35,000 |
38,000 |
No |
90 day period |
31-Aug-21 |
7,000 |
02-Sep-21 |
15,000 |
30-Sep-21 |
15,000 |
03-Oct-21 |
12,000 |
31-Oct-21 |
13,000 |
12-Nov-21 |
1,000 |
Example 2: Total |
35,000 |
28,000 |
Yes |
90 day period |
30-Sep-21 |
5,000 |
31-Oct-21 |
5,200 |
30-Nov-21 |
5,100 |
Example 3: Total |
15,300 |
0 |
Yes |